Tag Archives: tranquility

Dive right in

How I love to see the sky,
The rocks, the birds, the trees…
Reflected in the surface
Of the water, spared the breeze.

The complete calm and silence,
So still it looks like glass…
Creating an illusion
Of upside-down birds flying past.

The picture looks so perfect,
So untouched, it draws me in…
Until I hear a splash nearby,
As divers jump right in!

The frogmen stride, all kitted up,
and suddenly they’re in…
Bobbing at the water’s surface,
With their masks and suits and fins.

Then silence, it descends once more,
As the surface starts to clear.
They quietly sink into the depths,
One-by-one they disappear.

The only sign or clue they give,
To show that they are there…
The bubbles streaming upwards,
Break the surface with the air.

The tranquility, breaks once more,
As they pop back up, and then…
They waddle back to base camp,
Before they do it all again.

I love to watch the water,
And the people going in…
It won’t be long til I can join them,
Then the real fun can begin!
